
Investing in Ideas

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Be Filled with Joy Notebook

The clouds have gathered overhead and all is quiet aside from the steady thrum of the dryer. It's the perfect moment to be captivated by new ideas. I have the bad habit of allowing ideas to swirl around in my mind without ever putting pen to paper. They end up drowned out in the sea of day-to-day life and the seemingly urgent things that clamor for my more immediate attention. A frustrating cycle that can be broken with the simplicity of intention.

I recently pre-ordered Jon Acuff's new book Start. With the pre-order comes a host of extras including the e-book The Three Stages of Every Awesome Idea. Step one? Imagine. Jon talks about the importance of making small investments in big ideas. That got me thinking, what sparks my imagination? What are the activities and where are the spaces that generate the most ideas in my life? For me one of those things is reading a magazine. I have a list of my go-tos, but I've been letting them gather dust. Not today! Instead I have a stack of recently purchased volumes and a notebook.

A Stack of Magazines

It really shouldn't be amazing to me how inspiration has already started flowing, and yet I'm surprised that such a simple task can make such an immediate impact. An article about sea side bed and breakfasts in Wales led to a new storage idea for my bedroom. I have a stack of ideas that need a little more research and even a few new additions for my life list. If one thing has been made clear in this exercise it's that I need to invest more of my time into "thinking time" and being intentional about taking quiet moments to rekindle my imagination.

What sparks your imagination? Do you have a favorite space or activity set aside for investing in new ideas?

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